Diet for psoriasis

Psoriasis is quite common disease characterized by lesions of the dermis and mucous membranes, appearance of psoriatic plaques (wheals red or pink color), discomfort, itching, hyperemia of the dermis. Since the development of the disease is not insured to a man, neither young nor old.

Pathology gives life to a person a lot of discomfort and discomfort. In addition, people who suffer from a disease, it must be constant (in acute cases) to hide the problem under the clothes.

Psoriasis is an incurable illness. Patients assigned to maintenance treatment to help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and to prevent relapses. Along with medication and physical therapy, patients are advised to adhere to the diet.

It is important to understand that the treatment of a pathology is impossible without the correction of the diet.

Diet in psoriasis contributes to a significant reduction in the intensity of the symptoms and lengthen periods of remission. Diet easy to stick in the home.

Fundamentals of nutrition

The set of therapeutic measures has a positive effect in the fight against the disease. Diet in disease, it is an essential point in this complex. While respecting the principles of nutrition and by the elimination of the ingestion of prohibited products will be able to forget about the bad manifestations of the disease. The diet is effective in any type of disease (plantar, scalp). The adherence to the therapeutic diet, the result will be noticeable after a week.

Fundamentals of nutrition

There are many diets that help in the prevention of aggravation of the disease. Diets have some differences, however, the basic elements are the same.

  1. Diet for psoriasis should be hypoallergenic.
  2. It is recommended to avoid the consumption of alcohol and Smoking.
  3. Clinical nutrition involves reducing the consumption of salt.
  4. From the ingestion of products that contain preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and other additives synthesized, has to be abandoned.
  5. The diet should be enriched plant food.
  6. Diet menu implies the rejection of fast proteins (sweets, cakes).
  7. The diet should be enriched with cereals (rice, oat, buckwheat) and vegetable salads.
  8. The food must be consumed in small portions at least five times a day.
  9. It is recommended to enter in the diet of low-fat dairy products.
  10. During the diet you should follow the regularity of bowel movement. If the onset of constipation in the diet is necessary to introduce a vegetable fiber and vegetable oil.
  11. Also you need to move more and drink plenty of fluids (at least two litres).

The advantages of the diet

The diet is an integral part of the treatment of the diseases.

The advantages of the diet

Its main advantages are:

  • to improve the condition of the skin;
  • losing the pounds;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • the normalization of a chair.

It is important to understand that the diet for psoriasis has to be permanent. The only way to avoid the recurrence of the disease.

Contraindicated diet for people with diseases of the central nervous system and SSS. This is due to the exclusion from the diet of substances that have a direct impact on the vascular system. If necessary, neutralize the attack acute pathology with power, menu, adjust with the obligatory account the individual peculiarities of the organism.

Each diet for psoriasis has its own peculiarities. What products and dishes that can be consumed by people with this disease, and should be ruled out, contact your doctor.

As you can see in the table of permitted and prohibited foods for people with psoriasis, avoid foods that contain starch, particularly potatoes, citrus, strawberries, nuts. It is not recommended to use bananas, melons, corn, plums, mushrooms, lentils.

Appoint medical diet only by a qualified specialist. Not worth its own diet or to ask for advice from friends or rely on the comments on a given diet forums on the Internet. To clarify the diet, learn the recipes of dishes of the attending physician.

Psoriasis treatment diet: list of prohibited and permitted foods to eat

People with this disease, all without exception, it is recommended that adherence to the diet therapy that contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the body, improve metabolism and prevent the occurrence of relapses. Treatment of psoriasis diet to eliminate the consumption of certain products and replace it with healthy food.

Prohibited products

For a given disease, it is recommended to avoid eating the following foods:

  • Of herbs and spices. In psoriasis the harmful herbs and the products it contains. The high content of essential oils and aromatic substances have a toxic effect on the human body. These substances cause the irritation and the appearance of an intense itching of the skin, and, therefore, the worsening of the disease.
  • Nuts. Eat any nuts in the pathology prohibited. The peanut is one of the most allergenic of foods. People with this disease must avoid the consumption of nuts and additives. It is also forbidden the use of peanut butter.
  • Of citrus. In high concentrations contain essential oils that are toxic to people with psoriasis.
  • Fatty types of meat. Which contain arachidonic acid. This substance is one of the triggers of the inflammation and the appearance of the dermis of psoriatic plaques.
  • Alcoholic beverages. It is not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverages, however, the strict restriction applies to the wine drinks. During the fermentation indicated the formation of aromatic substances, which cause the development of allergic skin reactions. The pernicious influence of alcohol on the liver leads to failures in its operation. The body does not completely clear the body, and this means that they accumulate waste, toxins and other harmful substances that often lead to a relapse of psoriasis. Alcohol, even in the concentration minimum that causes malabsorption of nutrients, minerals, and affects the immune system.

Food restrictions are not common. The body of each person is individual and special reacts to different products. Doctors do not recommend to give up everything. Before you can assign a diet specialists conduct individual testing of products.

Recommended products

Psoriasis treatment diet is very important. Eating the right foods will help in the improvement of health and prevention of exacerbations of the disease. It is recommended the consumption of fruits and vegetables (kiwi, beans, apricot, pineapple, carrot, fruit, vegetables, cabbage), lean meat, fish, cereals, low-fat milk and dairy products.

In the treatment of psoriasis and for the prevention of exacerbations is necessary to provide the body with vitamins and minerals.

People with this pathology is recommended the introduction into the diet products, rich in:

  • Ascorbic acid. This substance helps to strengthen the immune system. Sources of vitamin C are bell peppers, kiwi, rose hips.
  • Vitamin E. This substance in high concentrations can be found in sunflower seeds. People with the disease need daily to eat a few seeds. The vitamin helps to improve the condition of the dermis, and also minimize the manifestations of psoriasis and strengthen the Central nervous system.
  • Vitamin B. the Deficiency of this substance is full of violation of metabolism, which very negatively affects the condition of the dermis. People with illness need to diet buckwheat.
  • Zinc. In the treatment of psoriasis, the diet is a major role for products that contain zinc. From this mineral depends on the metabolism of proteins, necessary for the healing of wounds. In high concentrations zinc is found in sesame, pumpkin, and fish.
  • Calcium. This mineral contributes to the desensitization of the organism, the restoration of the dermis and accelerate the healing of psoriatic elements. It is recommended to enter in the diet ryazhenki, yogurt, and cottage cheese.

The people who suffer from a pathology, we also recommend that you use the ginger. Helps to cleanse the body of toxins, as well as addressing the symptoms of the disease. Ginger contains significant amounts of vitamins A, b, ascorbic acid and minerals. In addition, rich ginger and amino acids. The specialists suggest to use as a Supplement to the first and second plates.

Only by following all doctor recommendations on the treatment of psoriasis, the diet is possible to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. In addition to the proper nutrition will contribute to improving the functioning of all organs and systems, as well as the loss of weight.